burn the fleet

By brett


My final night in Cambodia I was invited to go to a wedding. Essentially I crashed it, but aparently in Cambodia the bride and groom want people to crash their weddings...the more the merrier, because in Cambodia the guest often pay to be there to help cover the costs.

This wedding was a Khmer/American wedding so it had the atmosphere and openness of a Khmer wedding, but without the payment at the end of the night...A win win as far as I was concerned.

I only showed up for the reception and the meal at night, but aparently a Khmer wedding is a full day event, starting early in the morning (usually around 3:30-4:00 am) with preparation and then anywhere from 5 to 15 different ceremonies... and at least 7 wardrobe changes. At the reception alone I saw the bride in three different dresses and the groom in three different tuxes. I thought one ceremony was enough, nevermind 15. Needless to say I was thankful to only make it for the reception

A Khmer wedding...another exceptional experience, and a great finale to an incredible time in Cambodia!

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