jeni and the beans

By themessymama

Some Green Stuff Of Ben's

Bad blip day today. So you're getting Some Green Stuff Of Ben's, because the pictures I took of Ben today were out of focus enough for me to reject them, the portraits I took of Steve this evening were blurred because I don't have a bright enough light to illuminate subjects who have a heartbeat well enough to be able to use a fast enough shutter speed to catch them between heartbeats, and Some Yellow Stuff Of Ben's is simply a reject.

The day actually started out really well.

Ben went to bed last night early - we went out for a fish and chip supper, ate it on the pier, walked back home and at some point we got Ben in the buggy and he fell asleep. He spent a little while in the hall at home as we can't get the buggy through the hall on account of his new bed still in its flatpack box being in the way, and then Steve managed to get him upstairs and into pyjamas and into bed and all without needing mummy milk. At some point overnight he appeared in our bed, neither of us quite remember how or when, Steve woke up and Ben was just there; I have a vague memory of him climbing in, but he must have fallen asleep again pretty quickly.

We even got a lie in this morning! Steve went out for his bike ride, and usually this signals Ben's waking: climbing all over me, and eventually just jumping on me demanding breakfast. Not so this morning, I think we had only just stumbled out of bed by the time Steve got back in at gone 9am. Amazing!! I might give Ben a few late nights again next week if it means a Saturday lie-in.....

But then I discovered that I'd run out of my diabetes medication. I had one tablet left, enough for breakfast. And the strip that I thought I had left turns out to be non-existent. So a frantic call to the doctors, hoping they were open: they weren't, so I was put through to the out-of-hours service and it turns out I can just take my prescription to the pharmacy and they'll give me an emergency supply. So off we went to Steyning - they know me there (at least, the girls who work there during the week do) so the fact that my medical exemption certificate is out of date (really must get that sorted) doesn't matter because they never ask for it anyway - but by the time we set off, it was technically lunchtime (for the rest of the UK anyway) and Ben fell asleep in the car. And the pharmacist was on lunch anyway. So off we went, back to Worthing, to Sainsburys for the grocery shop. And back to Steyning. And eventually back home, by which time it was 3.30pm and Ben was complaining of tummy ache because he was hungry (all we had in the car were giant cookies, which don't seem to be great for hungry tummies - mine agreed).

All in all for me it's felt like a wasted day, chasing after medication (which I did get in the end - and my tablets are SO MUCH CHEAPER than the insulin I had to get on an emergency prescription last Christmas when I ran out in Manchester) and feeling stupidly tired, even though we all seemed to sleep really well last night.

At least Steve got some work done in Ben's room, putting the last piece of picture rail up and sorting out a strip by the window. Now it's all filling and sanding and painting that's left to do, finally all the building work is finished I think. We might even have it finished for when Steve's sister stays Thursday night, and my brother and his family stay Sunday night! At least it will be tidy because we can put all the big tools away and clean up.

Ben's been funny this evening though. We watched Strictly and had pizza. Ben danced with the dancers, asked for more dance! quite a lot, and when the doorbell finally rang he yelled PIZZA! and ran to the door. I love how well we're training him.

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