Pub Lunch

After church this morning we went out for a pub lunch to celebrate belatedly my dad's birthday. It was a lovely lunch - took us two and a half hours, with running after Ben lots. Ben saw a big fish in the river by the pub, I think mum and dad identified it as a grey mullet or something. He had to take everybody down to the river to see it!

He wasn't keen on much of the food, but elected to have an apple instead, followed by sharing Daddy's chocolate brownie. We'd found his juice beaker at church earlier and given it a wash and re-filled it and Ben was so delighted to have his beaker back that he drained the lot within about half an hour and proceeded to need about 5 or 6 wee's while we were at the pub, all of which were pretty big ones according to Steve!

Ben was kept awake far too long though. He said he was tired almost as soon as we got to the pub but the combination of fresh air and apple kept him going. By the time it came to go home though he had run out of distractions and the tiredness got the better of him - big style. He didn't want to get in the car. He didn't want daddy to do it. He wanted mummy to put him in. And we could barely understand a word because he was screaming and crying and sobbing so much. He had to have a couple of cuddles from me to calm him down and eventually after a BIG cuddle the promise of a special sweet (they're wine gums!) when he got back in the car calmed him down long enough to get him in the car. Amazingly, there was ONE WINE GUM LEFT in the glove box. Truly amazed. And grateful!! It kept him from screaming just long enough to get moving but as soon as we hit traffic he started crying again, he obviously wasn't really with it as he was like a stuck record, sobbing for mummy to put him in when I'd just done that twice. But, as soon as we got moving, he stopped crying and was asleep within a minute. Sobbing still. And snoring!

He didn't stay up very long when we got home. Just long enough though. But once he had gone to bed, I pulled the door too like I usually do. But then.... a little later.... there was this sudden worried "daddy!" shouted from upstairs. Steve ran up to find Ben stuck in the bedroom, half asleep, totally disorientated, and almost as soon as he opened the door there was a tinkle tinkle on the floor. Poor Ben couldn't figure out how to get out of the bedroom, was full of worry about not having shoes on to get down the hall to the bathroom, and his bladder just gave out. He sobbed and sobbed, he was so upset. He was SO upset he even asked for a nappy to spend the rest of the night in....

On the house front, we have wonderful friends as well as family :0) It has been decided that we need to get our bedroom not only liveable-in before Baby arrives, but decorated as well!! And friends are offering to help with all sorts of things to achieve this :0)

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