The (not so) quiet life

By Abikaty

I Am Not Tired And I Will Not Go To Sleep

We had a visit from my mum, nana and uncle today. Abigail was very excited and rocketed out of bed just after six this morning. Needless to say neither Neil nor I were particularly enthused to see her, however the kitchen floor neede some serious scrubbing so I hauled myself out of bed and set about attempting to make the house presentable (a losing battle but I at least like to look as though I've made an attempt).

We went out for a nice lunch where Katy once again refused to eat her mush preferring to pinch things off everyone elses plates and then fling them across the floor. She is a lawsuit waiting to happen. When we arrived home Abigail insisted on showing off her prowess on both her bike and the trampoline. After the excitement of the day Katy was not hugely up for going to bed and was up screaming within half an hour of being put down. However after just a little bit of food and an absolutely monstrous fart she soon drifeted off. So like her daddy.

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