secret garden

By freespiral

Looking west

Looking west today as opposed to east yesterday. The sky was looking suitably threatening with a large cloud blowing in across the mountains. A brisk wind meant that any showers were brief if heavy and the sea was choppy. Being a bit daring with the black and white!

Nice relaxing start to the day as I didn't have to be at work until 11.45 then the construction began! One large scale map achieved (the girls), 5 houses on the way to completion (the lads) and a lot of mess. Yes, there are only 9 in the class but a big age range from 8 to 12 and all of them individuals!

Quick preparation for tomorrow then we're off to see The Girl who Played with Fire. I haven't read the trilogy though Himself has and raves about them. I'm not very good with thrillers, too much imagination, don't like being scared and never see anything coming! I shall be taking a thick scarf just in case!

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