Club 107

By club107

Chop chop

A nice relaxing weekend started with number 1 son waking up and crying shortly after midnight. The reason still unknown but given his mega zen nature, we were somewhat surprised by this, maybe we had simply forgotten the waking child of the night syndrome, it is inevitable, teeth shall appear some time and with cold nights coming, colds and sniffles shall grip us all. Anyway after an hour and a bit, the old 'being in Dad's arms falling asleep' trick worked, oh I do like that.

Up earlyish as Rainbow fish girl could no longer sleep, so I went through and marvelled at the brilliance (lack of limpetboy lying agin my shoulder) of her bed while she told me secrets. After the busy week, I tend to wind down with the household stuff, and I would appear to repeat myself alot apparently, oh it is the routine you create yourself. So two washes done and hung out, lunch attempt of scrambled eggs, might have been better had I not been making three other things at the same time, will need to nail that one down, drop-offs for three dance classes, a quick 30 minute session of brambles (bramble and banana milkshake anyone? No Dad!) and a drop off at a party.

That party was an interesting one where a random wee boy started kicking child #2 for no real reason. Reminded me of a party I took the eldest to where a boy wandered round thumping everyone while his father was sending text messages.

'So did you have a nice party?'

'Yes thanks, I managed to avoid being thumped by a stranger.'

After all this excitement, we then headed out for a meal to celebrate our recent anniversary.

The girls love Chinese food, so it is odd that this is the first time we have been to a Chinese restaurant but it was great even though I did nearly swallow a Szechuan Peppercorn thorn, could have been very nasty.

Back to make beds and relax a bit. Oh actually it is time for bed, relaxation tomorrow maybe. Fancy an art exhibition. A lovely day.


PS Sad as it may seem, I actually really enjoy the adrenalin of busy days like this. As a good friend once told me, one should not complain about the chores you have to do, they mean that you people to look after.

Wise words, but the lazy git wouldn't clear the table! Joke

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