Time flies when you're having fun

17 weeks

Its not been long enough a visit to my family at all, it's time to go home! Katie enjoyed a good play in the baby gym and more cuddles with Great Grandad before we went - Greatgrandad seems pretty smitten with Katie. He came over specially to collect us and take us to the station an hour away. And gave Katie a present 'to get something nice'.

The jangly duck chime in this picture was the favourite toy of the visit - I Think i'm going to have to find something similar for her!

We got home to Grandad, Granny and Uncle Simon all at the house. The cousins are all going away tomorrow so Uncle Simon is staying to be company for us the next couple of days. Grandad and Granny stayed for tea. Katie was a bit confused why everyone was in the same place, but coped well.

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