secret garden

By freespiral

You looking at me??

Oh - the rains have now reached us and it's torrential!! Plus a little thunder thrown in for good measure! The wwoofers have departed and we are having a relaxed and slobby day - no work, read the papers, eat what we like when we like, let the washing up pile up and sit in companionable silence - bliss!!

We did venture out to Schull and walked down to the quay. We got wet but there were some interesting sights including this one -it just tickled my fancy!! A heap of rubbish with this rather camp image gazing out - I should have found out what he was advertising! We also saw three seals - one large, rather battered chap and two smaller ones. It's amazing how fast they swim underwater, you never know where they're going to pop up.
A chilled evening beckons :)

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