
By Drysailor

Winter goodies

The last apples, a bit soft now, Walnuts from the tree on the main road, Chestnuts from a friends garden, and Clementines, together with Mandarins our favourite Winter fruit. One flaw, on the label it states that they are preserved with "IMAZALIL" Whatever that may be !!Just don't eat the peel !!
I thought that Roasted Chestnuts would be tasty, so on with the Oven, 150° C, and 20 or so on the Baking Tray, 20 minutes later a really pleasant aroma was wafting thru the house , then...... A Loud Bang, followed by another, the Chestnuts had exploded !! Oven full of splinters of nut. Take out the Tray and seconds later two more exploded, Kitchen full of Nut Splinters, they went everywhere, like schrapnel !! Moral to this tale ? REMEMBER to CUT SLOTS in the Chestnut shells, BEFORE putting in oven !!
Getting ready for really bad weather, saw on the News that Rotterdam Harbour is closed, Hamburg has Storm Warnings and we have Snow warnings and Gales for tomorrow. Hope it goes away before next Tuesday, by the way BG, we will bring the Wine for Saturday, 3 Red, 3 White.

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