
By rainie

Beyond The Garden #4

Fungi...yes, but no idea what kind.

I have some friends who are very knowledgeable about such things, all I know is that this was found on an old piece of wood last weekend, Doug thought it would make a good blip sometime. Bit short on ideas today so this is it. Its very pretty, perhaps not in colour, but the fluted edge and the different shades is quite amazing. Reminds me of a shell kinda.

Now I know I should have been out with my brush & blower (or perhaps tweesers) but none said are handy....and its Friday afterall.

Beyond the Gate #1 17th Sept
Beyond the Gate #2 23rd Sept
Beyond the Gate #3 26th Sept

Sunny but a coolish wind today, nice indoors with some glass between us.

Enjoy your weekends fellow blippers, I intend to.


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