A view from Jeanneb

By Jeanneb53

Crop circle?

This is the view across our playing fields to the remaining chimneys of Bradford's mills. Not many left now but you can see a little smoke drifting, idly, straight up into the air. It was a heavy dew covered morning but with early sun that looked set to make a fine day, unlike the others we have had this week.

I drive down to work through an estate with a view right across Bradford and in certain morning conditions it is very ethereal. Misty, still mornings with the sun rising and, as above, smoke drifting upwards, but try as I might it is a shot I have never successfully captured. Too many overhead wires, trees and roof tops, but from the elevated angle of my drive it has an amazing beauty for an industrial city.
This picture doesn't capture it either as by now the sun is much higher and I am much lower down, but I spotted the students doing their warm up exercises before a games lesson and liked the shape they made between the flat foreground and the city in the background.

They could be practising making crop circles!

PS much of this will be covered by a new school by 2012 - or so we are told.

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