
By rainie

Hump Day

Yup, Wednesday is hump day, that is I'm over the hump & on the way to the weekend....ya ya.

This is a tiny tiny wee bud about 4mm across & comes out into a true blue tiny flower, don't know the name but is a ground cover and spreads but not rampantly. Flowers most of the spring and into summer, a useful plant in my garden.

Work is done for the week, that is work that I am paid for. Lots and lots to get done over the next four days, as we are off to Townsville this time next week.

My son reports today that his ruptured achilles is totally gone, a 5cm gap, he now has to wait a week before he can have surgery to repair - I can see we will now be chief cook & bottle washer as the saying goes....and I thought we were going to have a holiday, still the change will be great.

Catch ya tomorrow

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