Sleepy Cherryblossom

By CherryBee

Red sky at night.

Taken from just outside of Inverness somewhere along the Dores road. Really does look like the sky is on fire! Either that or I've accidentally discovered the gateway to hell.....and it's in the Highlands.... Hmmmmm.

This evening Mum dragged me along to a rehearsal for a fashion show she's appearing in on thursday night. It's on in the Pringle Woolen Mill and theres absolutely nothing fashionable about it! I've never seen so much hideousness under one roof! To say they are clothes for the elderly and infirm is doing OAPs a disservice, I didn't know you could even get stuff like that anymore. When mum tried on a particularly fetching pink polyester number I laughed so hard I almost fell off my stool :D then reminded her that I had a camera with me and wasn't afraid to use it! I thought she was going to get a stitch she was trying so hard to keep a straight face. Then it occured to her that she was actually going to have to wear this stuff - in public.

After I'd had a good laugh at everything I got quite bored so retired to the car to wait it out with my knitting and Radio 4. Talking of OAPs.... Just give me a bus pass and be done with it. No wait, I already have a bus pass!!!
Well, I'm not wearing polyester for anyone and thats final.

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