Club 107

By club107

If we took a holiday, took some time to celebrate

No there will be no holidays in this caravan.

I was thinking of writing something in the third person but no, who knows what caused this caravan to go up in flames. I used to holiday every year in a caravan when I was a child, some of the best moments of my life, in North Berwick, Blair Athol, Coverdale, Wensleydale wherever the wind took us. So I can just about imagine the reaction of the poor owners of this caravan. Hopefully it was an accident an not intentional, I say that as when I took this photo, there was a second caravan over the road, looking very sheepish, yes they can look sheepish, willing its owner to tow it away to safety.

I rather suspect that it wasn't accidental, in the same way the smashed windows downstairs from our office were not a freak accident. My original intention for a photo was all to do with life chances, a theory I do believe in to a certain extent. In retrospect, I shouldn't have bothered.

Anyway, we move forward, dreich day #2, much to do both at work and in the house. Madame spent a good part of the day expanding her jam repertoire to greengages. Badminton tonight so posting early.


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