and so this is what it is like living in France

I recall swimming in the sea in October, late October and thinking this was indeed a different world. Our world was one where only the brave (or clinically mad) would venture into the waters round our coastal towns even in the height of the summer.

So today was a bit of a trip down memory lane and a very nice trip it was indeed, except I was indoors literally from the start of my working day to the end. But going to the supermarket this evening, in just a shirt, no jacket your honour, no jacket required, oh I feel a song coming on, was something I haven't done after (our bitterly cold August signalled) the end of the summer for more years than I can remember.

Tonight we will open windows, we shall dance for the sun gods to come back and we shall fall asleep in the knowledge
that tomorrow, there is more to come and more importantly there is no work to get in the way ofsitting out, sipping wine!


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