Pure Joy!!

Today was the best day of my life ...... or at least of the last five years!! Guess who arrived at the airport, for the first time since May 2005!? Yes!!! You've guessed it!! My dear M&Z!! Thank God for this beautiful day! We could not stop talking for more than 12 hours now!! We are pooped! It is 23:15 and everyone's gone to bed now!! Wait guys, just let me blip quickly, then I'm off to dreamland as well!! :-}

The downside of the day is that all their luggage stayed at Heathrow, nothing came with them!! Hiehiehie!! Fortunately we were all só glad to see each other, we could not even get angry at BA!!! They promissed us that it will be here on a 21:00 arrival from Heathrow and they will deliver it to our house by courier tomorrow morning!! Let's pray for exactly that!!

Woohoo!!! What a wonderful feeling: My whole family is under one roof tonight!! God bless!! Looking forward to a wonderful time with them!! Thank you Lord, for sparing us all for this wonderful occasion, thank you for bringing my boys safely to us and thank you for C&R snr as well as R jnr, for always being there for me!! My life is só beautiful!

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