secret garden

By freespiral

The end of the world

Battling with infants in the morning, one in very bad form; then started on the mural. The first layer of grass has gone on - each little person contributing. It's very hard to find a vibrant green emulsion which is a reasonable price - I think I'm going to have to do a bit of mixing.

Back home, wwoofers up to their knees in weeding -pretty boring but essential and they are making great progress. The weather was fantastic so we finished work early and headed off to the end of the peninsula. There is a 40 minute walk to the end, through heather and gorse, which finishes at a small lighthouse. The light was incredible and ever changing. Many blips could have been chosen, but I just loved the wildness and emptiness of this light-filled horizon - next stop America, Newfoundland to be precise I believe! Weibke and Vince were suitably knocked out by it and now we are all nicely exhausted!

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