Reading in the Rain

And the rains came and fell upon that place and they were sore afraid as they looked out on a scene of puddled misery.
Dark clouds covered the land, obscuring all but the very ground they stood upon.
They lifted their eyes to the hills but there were none; they looked to the distance and only saw stair rods of rain and humans wielding umbrellas.

Yes it was one of those days, when the best thing to do would be stoke the fire and sit with slippers on and read indoors.

The trouble is we have no fire and things had to be done outside, so there could be no relaxing with a book. We equipped ourselves with umbrellas and joined the soaking tide of humanity.

Apart from an abortive attempt to find an Aldi nearer us than Musselburgh, we made it to the land of yellow and blue to buy another floor lamp , and this time it wasn't an expensive Italian one but looked good anyway.
Actually we have come to the conclusion that Ikea stocks the most affordable designer lights around.

Now we await the advent of the 2 wise men from Edinburgh who join forces with his Lordship to tramp the hills on a Wednesday.
They are coming to recce the joint....... pity it's so dull and wet.

I hope their wet shoes don't spoil the pristine appearance of the new rug.
The sooner we get over this degree of preciousness we have about all things new, the better.

Whilst they blether as only men can, I will meet granddaughter from school and bring her home here, and we will listen in to the conversations and chuckle.

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