Snippets of Life

By betho


Uni here i am! Woke up yesterday morning thinking, mmm how nice, a whole free day... found out at about 10am that in fact i was meant to be in Cardiff at that very moment at a welcome lecture for my course....
Most panicked i have ever been in my life ever. My parents were amazing though and i managed to get packed, have an emergancy shop in Asda and drive up here.
Arrived about 8, me with the parents and 3 random security people in tow to find my flat full of people already who looked at me and shout 'yay here's room 6!!'.

Now i can't believe i've only been here just over 24 hours... i also cant really beleive i managed to miss that! Its been a bit hectic but its ok and i know it will only get better...

Sorry for the terrible shot, i almost had nothing but then came home when i wasn't expecting to just for literally two minutes and so took this.. most of my box of a room is far far too messy to photograph so you just get my desk!

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