Club 107

By club107

My favourite things #4 - rice and mustard seeds

Not much time today hence reverting to my favourite things. There are many and up until now, yes they have all been edible. When I was a child I was not a big fan of vegetables. When I became a vegetarian I started to eat anything discovering ingredients hitherto unheard of in a typical Scottish supermarket. I feel I'm apologising for loving food, so I'll stop that, no I celebrate it often. However as is the case with so many things in my life, if only I had more time I'd cook something nice every single day.

Tonight after work and homework we had not much time so with ghee, mustard seeds and basmati rice to accompany some Indian pakora, my favourite rice made me happy. Or as we often said to the girls, rice with grits and bits from the floor.

Badminton in the evening was great good to get moving again.


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