Passport photos of the kids' toys. Yes, that's just exactly what I needed to be doing today - last day at home for over two months. In fact, the other jobs included:
- Going to the dentist: v small (no injections) fillings and the scale and polish thingy. (But also the bad news that she thinks I should have my wisdom teeth out.)
- Last shop: essentials like Oatibix, oatcakes, table water biscuits, contact lens solution and Tunnocks caramel wafers.
- Ironing (of course)
- Fighting with Vista, which refuses to move files to my external hard drive except at a snail's pace (last night moving a folder of 25 photos took 3 hours and 40 minutes). I mean that can't be right. Why oh why oh why did we let the nice man in John Lewis's talk us out of buying a Mac....?
- Trying to help Mr B with all the VAT/tax/Companies House filings we suddenly have to do before we go.
And, hmmm, I'm sure there's something else I was supposed to do. Oh, packing.
Ah well, there's always tomorrow morning.
There will now be a short pause in blips, while I go to a College reunion, then drive down through France to our sort-of-almost-nearly-just-trying-it-out new/old home. Back this time next week. Play nice.
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