Plus ça change...

By SooB

Full Gull

Trip to see my Gran this morning, who is recovering well from her recent health scare, and still insists on setting a full table for lunch, however much you insist that a cup of tea will be just fine. She was in chatty form, talking lots about her childhood. One anecdote which illustrated very clearly the different times she lived in, was how when they were young they would run around the cowfields looking for recently laid, err, pats. Then they'd put their feet in it because it would feel so lovely and warm. Sounds weird (ok, is a bit weird) but with no telly and none of the 'stuff' that our kids rely on for entertainment, what else is there to do? It makes a very interesting juxtaposition for me with my Gran as the very refined lady I've always known.

Then on to chase some dry weather on the way back home. We ended up in Craster and dragged the kids over the windswept, cowpat* splattered fields to Dunstanburgh Castle, which I've always loved and Mr B said was his favourite too - though when we got there he realised he'd actually never been before and it was Bamburgh he'd been thinking of.

Slightly peckish, we headed on to Low Newton by the Sea with its famous brewpub the Ship Inn for a very refreshing shandy, and on to Seahouses to get some fish and chips, though I had to call Dad to be reminded which was the best chippy (Lewis's).

You can eat in, but fish and chips are one of those meals best eaten outside. So we sat by the sea and entertained ourselves by throwing spare chips to the legions of eager gulls waiting for their dinner. Went a bit mad with the exposure tweaking on this shot.

* We kept our shoes on.

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