The Meldrum Michies

By meldrummichies

One Boy and His Dog

So, you know how they say that you should never work with children and animals? They might just have a point...This is Lewis the wonderdog and Number One Son (He's number three child, but the only one with wee boy parts). They are very, very good friends because they have a lot in common: they both like to eat food that has fallen on the floor; they both like to splash through puddles and get very wet and smelly and most of all they both like to pee in the garden. This was meant to be a study of our son engrossed in his toy cars but Lewis wouldn't stay out of the shot and the wee man quickly realised that I was trying to capture one of those candid childhood moments. Nae chance.
ps. The scratch on his nose was the result of a sticklebrick battle with his very best friend, Rosie, and not inflicted by anyone in this house.

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