The (not so) quiet life

By Abikaty

Flying Visit

It's official. My dad is the best. Today he made a 500 mile round trip to deliver us his car and take away one of our broken ones to fix. And he did it all without being asked, without complaining and for nothing more than a bowl of lentil soup and a roast beef sandwich. So I think you'll agree he is the best.

In other news Katy spewed all over the odd sock basket so I've decided to cut my losses and bin the lot and Abigails behaviour has taken a dive again. Caught her trying to persuade her friend Niamh to push Katy over("go on Niamh just give her a shove, push her over") think she had visions of using Katy like a weeble. Luckily Niamh had more sense. Abi spent 4 minutes re-acquainting herself with the naughty step.

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