All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch


My parents stayed over last night (duvet situation resolved by giving them 2 singles)! I was in bed when they arrived so they just let themselves in and I didn't see them till this morning.

Ethan just wasn't for having a morning nap though. He did fall asleep in mums arms but woke up as soon as she tried to put him down on the sofa. In the end we walked down to Spar with him in the pushchair which did the trick and he nodded off for over an hour.

We hadn't been home for long when my sister arrived and asked "where's all the smoke coming from?" My parents and I looked rather bemused at this until we looked out the window to see masses of black smoke. We had heard lots of sirens but as we live not too far from the hospital I'm used to sirens and don't tend to pay much attention to them.

So my Dad, my sister and I went for a wander over to Bellsquarry to investigate and discovered it was one of the factories on fire.. It even made the news today - second to the Pope visiting Scotland of course!

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