All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

One of those days!

Today started off well. Ethan & I went over to Linlithgow this morning to visit my friend Jane and her wee boy Callum. Had a very pleasant morning and lunch with her.

I then decided to head into Edinburgh as I wanted to go to the big Tescos at Corstorphine. Stopped at The Gyle on the way - Ethan was a star and slept for the hour and a half I was there. So far, so good.

I really wanted to check out the kid clothes at Tescos as they have a good selection there. I'm trying to find a nice, but cheap winter hat and glove set for Ethan as most of the sets I've seen in Livingston for his age come with scarves. Do people really put scarves on a 9 month old?? They had lovely girls ones in Tescos but a rubbish selection for boys. Even the member of staff I asked admitted they haven't got much in for boys at the moment. Ethan then threw a strop when I was trying to do my food shop so I had to rush round and didn't get half of what I wanted.

Had planned to take a haystack blip today as passed lots of nice fields on my travels today, but completely forgot. Just before Ethans bedtime I realised I hadn't taken a single photo today. Tried to do his bedtime routine which failed miserably so I decided I might as well let him watch a bit of tv with me in my bedroom. Took some photos of him as he was "in charge" of the remote control. Only once I uploaded them later did I realise I'd had the camera on the wrong setting, so they all look like bad mobile phone pictures!

Took 3 attempts over an hour long period to get Ethan off to sleep.

Then discovered one of the cats has pee'd on the spare bed. Not a huge problem as it's easy enough to wash the covers and duvet, but my parents are coming over to stay the night - due to arrive in an hour or so and I don't have a spare duvet! Aaaargh!

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