Club 107

By club107

Let's throw ourselves on the ground, 8 times

Today was obviously a very big day which did not exactly go to plan. I had contacted the Edinburgh city council and local dignatories in an attempt to get major parts of the city closed off in order to celebrate 100 consecutive blips, ok that bit went fine. At Club107, we know not the meaning of half measures.

Major celebrations were planned including a performance by the RSNO, The Grenadier and Coldstream Guards playing a mixture of samba and Drum and Bass and a fly past of some Ryanair cargo jets. Imagine my surprise when my plans were somewhat scuppered by the arrival of Pope Benedict XVI right on the same day. So resourceful as ever and with a family so willing to help in madcap plans it is heartwarming, we headed up the hill for me to literally throw myself, several times, into the spirit of the occasion head first into rabbit poo.

It was a crazy day, obviously the countless calls to the council and the various people who were planning to perform aside, our city besieged, bringing back memories of seeing the previous Papal visitor in his Popemobile. Very busy at work, our team is nearly complete, I feel like the fellow in the Magnificent Seven, holding up 4 fingers and someone looking at me shaking their head, holding up 5, and Madame who started Bollywood classes tonight gave us about a 30 minute window up a very windy hill to do a photo for a project dear to many people's hearts. For that, fellow Club107ers, I humbly salute you.

Thanks for all dropping by over the last hundred days, I really appreciate it and I apologise for my inability to comment as much as I'd like, that time stretching device is still in the alpha phase.


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