Club 107

By club107

Hello Sunshine

Dealing with the doldrums is thankfully something I don't have much to do personally. Converting the Grumpmeister general into a smiling individual is one of the tasks which I have to do quite regularly with often hungry children or simply the over tired version.

So far with number 1 son, none of that. He is a smiling individual, maybe it will go wrong and we will have a major tweenager on our hands. In fact a sunnier disposition in a baby I have rarely seen. For that I consider myself extremely lucky. I do know how it can be difficult I really do, so every time I feed him, like I had the good fortune to do this morning and this evening, I touch wood metaphorically.

Big day tomorrow, very big day, Edinburgh is going to be closed down or as near as for the visit of a religious leader. This is interesting as the last time the Pope came to Edinburgh I saw him in his bullet proof Popemobile, I think times have changed somewhat, 28 years.

Meanwhile back at the ranch, there is much talk of sleepovers this weekend which is nice and handy as I have two nights out planned and which will make things easier for Madame, who will be able to have a quiet night in, hopefully. Always the altruist, eh.

Much pleasure listening to this and others today. I would recommend, often but very loud.


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