burn the fleet

By brett

Answered Prayers

One thing that was hard on this journey was leaving my friends in NZ and Australia and hoping on a plane to Malaysia. There was a day in Penang when I just prayed and asked God for a friend to hang out with. It seemed like a random prayer and I honestly forgot about it until I was on the bus, on my way downtown.

I was looking at the city fly past through the windows on the bus, when I realized someone had got on the bus and was standing right beside me.

The stranger looked right at me and asked. ? are you from YWAM?? ....

I was like ? no, but I have been in the past, are you with YWAM??


He wasn?t either, but knows of YWAM in the city and has been working with them from time to time.

The guys name is Benji and he was first in Malaysia on a YWAM outreach, but after he went home he felt like he was to go back and be with the Malay people for a year. So for the last year he has been building relationships working with the homeless and telling people about the love of Christ.
?We hung out for the afternoon until he had to meet up with someone. I was pumped to have met him and I?m inspired by the way he is living his life. Truly relying on God for all his needs. His life was an encouragement to the journey I?m on. I thought that afternoon was going to be the last time I would see him...But God has a sense of humor.

I was walking around a local market (Penang is quite large, with many markets) when I saw Benji again. He was sitting and talking with his adopted mom who cooks at the market. So I had a chance to hang out with him again and we walked through some of the local villages and I got to see his heart for the local people there.

I only hung out with Benji for a day, but was profoundly impacted by his friendship. He is a brother for life in Christ and Im amped to see him again someday.

I don?t understand why God answers some prayers and not others, but really...Its not my job to know. All I know is that I?m thankful he answered that one. It made for a great finish to an already great time in Malaysia.

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