Christie's Daily Photo

By Christie

Flag Football for 4 Year Olds

Jack has been eagerly awaiting the first practice of his flag football team and tonight was the night. We arrived at the Arnold Rue Center at 6:00 to meet his Coach Najee and the other 7 little boys on his team (all are 4 or 5 years old). I wasn't sure how long the attention span of the boys would hold, but he was able to keep them interested for nearly 45 minutes! I'm sure their games will be hilarious as most of them have no idea what they are doing. At one point I noticed Jack stop to pick some little weed flowers while chasing the boy with the ball. I think he forgot all about pulling his flags when he noticed the flowers. He firmly believes that flag football is serious work and insisted we bring a jug of Gatorade for him to sip on "between plays."

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