
By heraldino

Dark and Light VI

Bad news: From Reuters-when Rene Stadtkewitz announced last week that he would be forming his new "Freedom"-an anti-immigrant-political party in Berlin, it went largely unnoticed by the world.

The 45-year-old politician from East Berlin, wants mosques closed down, traditional Muslim dress banned and welfare payments to Muslims cut.
Unfortunately, he is one of several politicians across Europe who are fueling people's anti-Muslim sentiments and exploiting public concern about immigration being a cause of the economic crisis.

Go ahead Rene, form your party and why don't you grow a small, square moustache while you're at it and design some four-spoked emblem for your party.

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Good news: In a stunning turn of events, it now appears that President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad of Iran actually has one or two normal, functioning brain cells, as he exercised some influence over the release of Sarah E. Shourd, the American hiker who was arrested over a year ago on the Iran/Iraq border for supposedly spying. Shourd was freed in a return for-according to some sources-a half million dollars paid into an Iranian bank in Muscat, Oman.

Bail, ransom, call it what you want, it's good that the young woman will be coming home.

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