All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

All the fun of the fair

Ethan was playing with this fairground toy rather a lot today. He even managed to get one of the balls in the correct place at the top of the helter skelter, although I suspect that may have been a complete fluke!

I had planned to go for some walks with him today until I woke up and realised it was pouring down with rain. However, I ended up taking him to the doctors instead!

Although he is pretty much over his cold, he has developed a bit of a cough and I was awake much of the night, listening to him coughing away in his sleep. It was sounding a bit chesty and he often cries after a cough, as though it hurts him. So, I thought I'd get him checked out to be on the safe side. The GP we saw is the lovely one who was so supportive to me early in my pregnancy. (He signed me off for the first 9 weeks and phoned me on a regular basis to check how things were going). It's the first time I've seen him since and he seemed genuinally pleased to meet Ethan. He gave him a really thorough check and said although he does have a mild rattle in his chest there isn't anything he can give him for it and it should clear up soon.

Typically, Ethan hasn't been coughing so much this afternoon so hopefully he'll have a better night too!

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