All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Ethan in da hood!

I'd hoped that hubbie, Ethan & I could have gone out and about today to take advantage of some of the places taking part in the doors open programme. However, we have 101 things needing done around the house so hubbie asked that we have a stay at home day to try to get some of them done.

He concentrated on trying to fix my car door (which has had an intermittent fault for a month or so now. Sometimes the passenger door opens ... and sometimes it doesn't! Most inconvenient if someone is in that seat and then has to climb over the drivers side to get out)! It's his second attempt at fixing it and he "thinks" it's now sorted.

As for me, well I cut the grass. Took all day as I had to do it in stages. I initially tried to do it the same time as hubbie was working on the car, as Ethan was sitting happily in his pushchair after I'd taken him for a walk. But he only lasted 10 minutes before throwing a tantrum so the grass had to be abandoned till later in the day.

We did go out in the afternoon though as hubbie announced he had bought a tricycle for Ethan on ebay so we drove over to Linlithgow to pick it up. Nearly got caught up in hundreds (actually probably not an exaggeration to say thousands) of cyclists taking part in this. Luckily they were going the opposite direction but we did have to go carefully to avoid a few random people trying to cycle on the wrong side of the road!

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