if you can't avoid them, blip them

Today's crop of potentials from lunchwalk and homewalk consisted of two dull things, two things to be tried again on another occasion, one thing I did last year with my old camera but didn't post and another leaf in the same location as something I posted earlier in the year which wasn't a leaf though was partly the same colour as some leaves. Despite last Wednesday, Friday and Saturday I'm sort of trying to avoid leaves just because they're everywhere but have decided to just go with them if they present themselves.

This evening's walk home was slightly longer than I had intended due to having to leave work about half an hour earlier than I planned just because almost everyone else in the department except the manager left en masse within ten minutes of the end of official Core Time. There's nothing wrong with anyone leaving then but it's always annoying being the last person in as you have to answer everyone else's phone. Being the last person to leave also means that YOU are the person who deserted an empty department and left the poor customers with no-one to answer their questions for the rest of the day. Luckily this meant that I got about five minutes of extra almost-daylight before nightfall.

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