To say that Lorraine was a little on the EXTREMELY HYPER-EXCITED side about it being her last day at work for at least seven months whilst she emits a baby would be understating it somewhat; she started bouncing excitedly and humming appropriate tunes in anticipation of it being NEARLY CHRISTMAS AGAIN back at the start of July just because it was slightly closer to the future-christmas than the previous one and was so excited about finding out which sort of baby she was having that she kept it secret for about twelve seconds upon her return to the office post-scan. She is able to inject happy excitement into dull tasks such as dealing with the morning solve queue or phoning the operators to ask them to resubmit a job and release the successors and it'll be a considerably quieter and duller office over the winter and spring until she returns. Especially seeing as our hot-desking manager will be taking her desk as his, putting him out of my sight-line and almost directly behind me whence he can sneak up on me relatively unheeded.


After a couple of people dropped out of Nicky's work's go-to-see-the-dancing-outing I popped along to use up one of the spare tickets though I hadn't been planning on going; we've been to see the Ramberts a couple of times previously (my dad in particular raves about them) but hadn't been massively keen on them in comparison to the NDT who have been uniformly ace every time they've been seen. The third act was pleasingly more pleasing than I'd expected; distinctly more inventive than the first two bits and with much better music (Reich-like percussive tinkly-beats) than the rest (small-orchestra plus mini-choir traditionalclassical) but the whole thing's probably worth catching if it comes past. Some of the effect might have been lost by our position at the front of the upper circle where the shapes people make against the background are less visible and the slight differences in shape and timing between the performers more so.

I also had an extremely rare opportunity to be thankful for the existence of E4+1 when we got home as the length of the show had meant that we'd missed most of Dead Set.

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