This day

By snapper

A dog's life

Vaired weather today.
Went to church and as usual had to put up with the pandemonium of kids whose stupid parents don't have the sense to tell them to be quiet! When they went out to the porch for the kids liturgy you would have thought there was a riot!

Bought myself some Sunday papers to read as no one at home to disturb me. Once upon a time my day was never complete unless I had read the Glasgow Herald in paper form then on the internet. Now I couldnt care less when I see a paper except the 12minute silence that is the Oban Times. Today's papers were filled with self opinionated so called journalists spouting either about the Pope's impending visit or about Sep the 11th. As for the suppliments! they were all rubbish.

Ended up taking the dogs for a nice plod. Hubby and #2 daughter on their way to Glasgow., so will be on my own till Thurs working away. Its #1 son's 21st this coming sat and I have left the three of them to organise it themselves! All I have to do is appear on the sat.

Watching some programme about heores on the tv and there is some guy that is supposed to be passing as a comedian and he is utter rubbish or am I just getting old and cynical?

Have a good blip Sunday all

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