This day

By snapper

Here there and everywhere

Seems to be the story of my life!
Got taken out by my pal and her aunt to the Polish club last night. It was very good and I had Bigos(prob spelt wrong) a sort of saurkraut stew along with borsch soup from a cup. We then went back to our place and played a game of Scottish Quest which was a hoot.
Today I drove younger daughter's car and her home , she has gone off in her little car she calls Sheldon after the character in the Bing Bang programme! and I went round a few cronies now I am waiting for a home delivered Indian take away, lazy or what?

Dogs giving me the look (take us out or we will spend the rest of the evening passing unpleasant smells!) So may venture back out with them. Honestly you get rid of the kids, you suffer from empty nest syndrome (lasted about two weeks) now the bloody dogs are ruling the roost! I need me time (whatever that is) my pal is alway ranting about me time so me time if you are out there.....come find me

Have a good blip weekend all

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