Every Little Step

By moonfairy

Mmm, I'll just have a little taste!

After a very long and busy day at work, I had no ideas whatsoever for a blip. I took loads of photos - daughter " I don't like any of those."

Had some dinner - had another go - daughter had by now toddled off in to her own room, phew!

What to do, what to do - Bing! - an idea I'd blip one of the miniature bears I make in my free time (what free time!)

Took bear out of cabinet, set up the photo, along comes Sophia Sparkles, just as I take photo, and decides she'd like to have a bite of his hat - hence the blip.

ps Bear was rescued safely and is now back in the cabinet.

pps Sophia has also manged to steal my emery board, knock over my nail
polish (luckily unopened) and sat on my alarm clock - she's now asleep!

ppps Daughter has come back - too late I've already published my blip!

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