
By meles

Sunshine and showers

Had to head up to Rotherham as soon as we'd breakfasted as the concert started at 1 pm. There was a surprisingly good crowd in considering the hour - but then I suppose it was free admission and the banner saying "Bar" was much more obvious from across the site than the sign saying "Music Marquee". Add in a couple of short sharp rain showers and they were crowding in to the tent. (The handsome building behind the tent is a little museum.)

There were all sorts of alternative entertainments - a dog show, a fancy rat show, a man jumping through flaming hoops....something for everyone, I guess. After watching excellent sets from both The Amazing Mr Smith(no relation to The Blipping Mr Smith as far as I know) and Martin Simpson we bade fond farewells to all and headed back up the A1. The sky was fantastic with an incredible variety of cloud shapes and golden sunlight bathing the countryside.

It feels good to be back home again, though.

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