Loney Girl

By loneygirl

Blue panelled walls and a memory

There was a time, a few years back, when I worked for this beautiful heritage museum and it was a very emotionally rewarding experience hard to replicate. Each day brought in a wealth of stories and friendships made with guests from all over the world. One such experience that I will never forget is that of an American gentleman who came in with his wife right at opening time. They have always wanted to visit this place each time they came here for a vacation but never had the chance.
I greeted them both as they entered and I noticed that he was blind. As the wife was lovingly leading him through, he asked me if I would kindly narrate to him what the museum was like. I can never forget that overwhelming feeling I had at that one moment when he smiled as he ran his hands up and down the blue panelled walls. The happines and eagerness painted in his face was like that of a child given a toy he has always wanted.
This is the pantry of the house and these are the walls that were once caressed by the loving hands of a man who saw with his heart.
If only these walls could talk.

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