jeni and the beans

By themessymama


Yum yum yum. Had a lovely day so far, and it's going to stay good - hopefully!

Well I say so far. It didn't start great, I sent Ben's daddy an email during breakfast, entitled *grump alert*. Bad books. But once I'd eaten and had a cup of tea I did feel better and we went out for a drive into Steyning. I love Steyning. The thing about it is, apart from the fact that it really is a beautiful little Old English village, is that the High Street has just the things you need on it for day to day life. The Post Office, Bank, Greengrocers and Butchers are where we went this morning. Ok so I could have gone into Worthing and traipsed about, but I'd have gotten distracted by Next and Boots and Mothercare and River Island and Monsoon and all those places I really shouldn't go into unless I am on a specific mission.

Made soup while Ben slept. He nearly fell asleep on the way home from Steyning, I managed to keep him away by promising we'd go to the play park (which I think we'll have to do tomorrow now), but once we'd got home and changed his nappy he wanted both boob and playpark. So I said we'd go after he'd had his milk. And then he fell asleep.... Which I kind of expected.... Does that make me bad, for promising something I knew wouldn't happen? So I made soup while he slept. And because blip has ensnared me good and proper (and because I've picked up the big camera again, and do love my 50mm lens) I decided to document the soup :)

Swimming starts again this afternoon, Ben loves it and so do I and I'm excited about going! But, true to form, Ben has come down with a cold just in time. I can't remember the last time he was actually full of health for a swimming lesson. Been a long time that's for sure, and we've been swimming for a long time!

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My diabetes has stopped responding so well to what we had hoped were *the* perfect drugs for me, it feels like my body has become used to the drugs, and has developed a toleration for them. So we're back to square one. I really would prefer not to have to go back onto insulin, which I was on for the entire pregnancy with Ben and only came off just under 6 months ago, so we're trying a different drug (one that is approved by the American medical board for pregnancy and breastfeeding) (not that I'm pregnant, just preparing to start trying again!) and hoping that I can get my blood sugars back down again.

What has this got to do with soup? Well I've realised that I need to do something about my diet. I like to think I eat quite healthily, but in reality there's a lot of cakes involved. And especially the other week with 3 days solid of cake and icing making (yum yum - lots of scraping out the bowls! Bad bad jeni)..... And at the moment, there's a lot of convenience food involved as well, due to varying states of exhaustion for lots of different reasons.

So, I need to start making food again. Got a whole list of stuff to stock the cupboards with that I can use in my cooking, pulses and oats and brown rice and pasta, sweet potatoes, beans... Lots of fresh veg and fruit, cheese, not so much meat but that's ok, I don't eat so much meat anyway.

So soup is good, I think. It would have been better if I'd thickened it up with lentils or something, but I forgot to buy any :) And Ben enjoyed it as well which is an extra bonus!!

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