
By heraldino

Dark and light I

A single picture a day, taken and posted. Sometimes manipulated, sometimes not.

The daily news: a single story that made me cringe, cry and sink into despair for the sake of mankind and the one that pulled me out again.

If I do this for a year, will I be able to detect a slight evolution in the nature of humans?


Bad news: Terry Jones, a Christian pastor from Florida says his church will go ahead and burn copies of the Quran on the anniversary of 9/11. The sheer stupidity and recklessness of this act defies belief. I can only hope that with US heads of state and generals stating their disgust at this, the Islamic peoples of the world will realize that not all the people of the US are idiots.

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Good news: Former president Bill Clinton's Foundation, founded in 2001, is focusing on Earth Day activism, and asking supporters to take an online quiz on climate change.

The foundation is donating $2 for every time the quiz is taken toward buying solar flashlights for people living in tent villages in Haiti. The Clinton Foundation says if 100,000 people take the quiz, it will be able to send 20,000 solar flashlights to improve safety conditions in the many tent cities that sprung up after the quake.

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