Left lying

Eco mum blipped the sunrise, I watched the colours through the blinds as I way in bed.

Up a wee bit later and took Juno up the hill. What a mess the place was in. The firework crowds had carried full liquid containers up a hill and when empty and lighter had just tossed them away. I started picking up the bottles and cans and with the help of an American lady we cleared the top of the hill taking 8 full carrier bags to the bins. Very sad.

Work was fine, managed to run up Arthur Seat, well almost. A body had been found near the summit so the police had the top sealed off and countless paths. Still mamanged to get a decent run.

Home early and had dinner with the family. An old pal popped up for a xhat and he ended up being fed, nice chatting and findng out what he has been upto.

These Eco daughter boots have been dumped in the middle of the floor for almost 36 hours.

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