This day

By snapper

Catch the wind

Today when I was in Glasgow the fire alarm of the school opposite went off. Out trooped everyone, this is a school that has a non uniform policy! There were guys with ripped trousers, chaps with the usual Ned attire and the girls! oh the girls! Skirts shorter than pelmets! blouses that climbed up their midriffs .

This evening there was a news article about some chap who said that girls wearing scantiy clothes were asking for trouble! (not sure if he was actually a school Head or a parent) wELL YOU WOULD HAVE THOUGHT HE WAS THE DEVIL INCARNATE. nOW BEFORE i GO ANY FuRTHER i WILL DEFEND ANY MALE OR FEMALE TO WEaR WHAT THEY WANT. THATS (forgive the capitals, not shouting, wrong key) like I said I don't have issues with people wearing what they want, but I do question their sense of taste!
Last week I saw two women in the West End who were definatley on the dark side of 40! one was wearing a very very short skirt with a thong for underwear and the other a white t-shirt whose contents would have been questionable even my Michelle Mone's standards! What I have to ask myself is what were these women thinking ? they were hardly the best taste in sartorial elegance! were they too hot? (as in weather hot!) were they thinking this was eye catching? did they realy feel comfortable?

As a mother of 2 daughters, if they ventured out of the house undressed like that I would haul them back in and give them what for! To be honest it just doesnt look nice, tastful, elegant or anything!

On the occasions I have ventured into Sauchielhall st at 4am to pick up my teenagers, I have been amazed these girls don't actually get hypothermia! in the dead of winter showing enough flesh to embaress Mr Blobby!

I really dont advocate they go out in long gowns like the Victorians likewise I expect my son to take a pride in his appearance (though I have given up on his hair colour) and if I dressed like that I am sure my kids and indeed husband would walk some length behind me!

Its a difficult issue but surley there has to be some sort of modesty and decorum in the world! or am I just getting too old?

Time to catch the wind

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