Life in Fife ©

By LifeInFife

Going, Going, Gone

Autumn is officially here. After the pleasant weather we had last week, there is now a definite chill in the air and the wind is ripping through the air. When I arrived at work the water was chopping around in the quay, so I imagine that further out to see it was quite wild.

Same old same old at work. Highlight of the day was a belated birthday lunch for one of my colleagues - it was nice to see the genuine look of surprise on her face when we gave her her pressies and took her for lunch

The high winds precluded any walks tonight so it was a quick nip out to the garden to see what was left of the summer's flowers :) The cosmos seemed to fit the bill. I love these as they are full of flowers and if they are dead headed will last till the first frosts. That might not be too far away now :)

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