
We're off on holiday, to Mallorca! I've been very excited about going on the aeroplane, and I wasn't disappointed when I saw it. I was asleep when we arrived at the airport so it was a big surprise to wake up and see all the planes! We don't arrive in Mallorca until late and then we have a bit of a drive, so it will be another big surprise tomorrow to wake up and see where we're staying for the next week. Uncle Charles and Auntie Kirsty are already there, we're looking forward to seeing them.

Note that Orla has a Little Life backpack - a blip recommendation! (kerrsmummy if I remember rightly?). I was so glad I got one, it was excellent on holiday. She could keep a selection of her favourite toys and books in it for entertainment on tap and we could keep hold of her but give her some independence to walk around as well. Genius!

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