Christie's Daily Photo

By Christie

Emily and I started our day early with an 8:00 am facial by a Mary Kay consultant we met at the Kids PUMP it up festival last Saturday. She was very nice and we were pleasantly impressed with her products.

After she left, the girls and Jack and I ran over to Joanne's to pick up some poster-making supplies for Josie's campaign for Spirit Leader at school. Emily had thought up some clever ideas for posters. After Joanne's, we headed to Sports Authority to look for volleyball kneepads for Gracie. She is starting volleyball with the City of Stockton next week. After a trip to the cleaners to pick up Doug's uniform and a quick trip to the Dollar Store in search of small pom-poms for Josie's poster, we headed home. Emily and Josie worked on her posters while Gracie worked on homework.

Later in the afternoon, I took Gracie and Grant to the library for a new selection of books and we stopped at Office Max for some Sharpies. Gracie was in heaven--she LOVES Sharpies (they were on sale, so I loved Sharpies today too);)

We returned home to do a bit of house-cleaning when I realized it was 5:30 and I had no idea what I was making for dinner. In the midst of sweeping, an irresistable (and crazy) urge to have frozen yogurt for dinner came over me. The kids were not about to argue with my temporary insanity and were able to quickly put on some shoes and jump into the van before I came to my senses! We decided to try out the new frozen yogurt place on Hammer called Yogurt Alley. . .Yogurt Avenue. . .I can't remember the name. Emily loved their Gelato, the others had fro-yo with plenty of candy and other toppings. This blip is of Josie and Jack and Secret Agent Kittykins enjoying their "dinner " of absolutely NO nutritional value. No cooking awards for me tonight. . . .

After another trip to the Dollar Store we headed home to finish cleaning up some projects from today and head to bed.

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