Today's the day

By sheilwill


Today's the day ................. to uncover a bit of history

The lovely old building, in which I work has had for many years, what has come to be known as a 'wet' wall. Brown stains would always eventually appear in newly painted emulsion and although there were lots of theories as to why this was happening, no one really knew for sure.

Eventually it was decided that a solution had to be found and so some serious investigative work was carried out. The plaster was completely removed right down to the bare stonework - and that's when they found an old vent which ran along the entire length of the wall. Apparently it was part of the original heating system of the building. At some point in time, it had been partly filled in and the column of static air trapped within the wall was causing the problem.

While the workmen were putting it all right, they found this penny. It was in very good condition and as you can see, it was dated 1866. The building was built in 1816 - so perhaps it was around then that they blocked up the vent.

Back in 1866, the cost of a loaf of bread or a pound of mutton was around two pennies. Perhaps the penny fell out of a workman's pocket? It's incredible to think it has lain undisturbed for more than 140 years .......

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