
By QuerkyPoo

Spoonbills doing nothing

Here in Christchurch we have a group of Spoonbills who winter over and usually return to Okirito ( west Coast) to join the nesting white herons ( kotuku's). There has been attempts to get them to mate and nest in Christchurch but so far no luck. There are about 22 of them and they split their time between the ChCh Estuary and Lake Waihora (L ellesmere in english)
Today there were 2 groups of 4 - doing nothing !!!! You can see the rain !!

The light, the weather, the programme for the day was all against me so not much to offer I'm afraid. Boo Hoo!! Better luck 2moro ( maybe a skipidydooda day ?) - I guess thats what this dairy is all about. Happiness is a learnt behaviour ( I'm Told ?)
rgds pooba.

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