Try, try again!

Today I returned to the butterfly garden at the Arboretum with two specific goals in mind. The first goal was to capture (with my camera) a butterfly I had never blipped before, and here you see it. I can't remember the name and haven't had time to look it up yet. That will have to wait. When I find out, I will let you know.

My second goal was to use my auxiliary flash and see if that made any difference to the pictures. I did remember to attach the flash before I left home...something I forgot to do the other times I thought I would try using the flash. Those other times, the flash was still sitting at home with my extra camera bag when I got to the Arboretum. This time, though, the flash was firmly attached to the camera before I left home. So I experimented with getting the right amount of flash...not so much that I burned out the white flowers but enough to stop the butterfly wings in mid-flutter. Did the flash help? I think so. It was an overcast day and the light was really dull. Without the flash, I possibly wouldn't have enjoyed so much success, but I am honestly not sure. I'll have to experiment some more. I tried repeatedly to capture a sharp blip of a hummingbird moth, but this is the best I could do. It's okay, but not totally satisfactory. Something tells me I will be going back to the Arboretum pretty soon.

That's it for tonight, my friends. Time for bed. Chasing butterflies wore me out!

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